TICCIH - the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage – is hereby inviting you to its 19th congress under the theme “Heritage in action: Legacies of industry in future making” in Kiruna, August 25 – 30, 2025. We invite interested researchers and practitioners to submit proposals for conference sessions.
The TICCIH 2025 congress focuses on tensions and controversies surrounding industrial heritage and its relation to wider tensions in present day society. It explores how we think about the past and about the future in the present, and how we construct historical narratives to connect the two, attach them to built environments and artefacts, in order to get where we want to go. It is a theme that addresses key global issues connected to the UN sustainability goals, and the goal conflicts emerging between them, but also pathways to bridging tensions through heritage. The theme also includes the issue of how we can work with contemporary industries as heritage and the heritage of the future.
In addition to the overall theme there are eleven subthemes, ten thematic and one open. Choose one of the subthemes based on what suits your paper best:
You can also choose to attach your presentation to one of the submitted sessions (you are required to do so if you are already part of a submitted session). This is optional. If you do not choose a specific session you will, if accepted, be placed in as session in one of the subthemes presented above. If you want to participate in a specific session, please choose the session name in the designated box when you submit your paper. Just follow the instructions, it is done in the end of the submission.
You find the submitted session proposals here
Please note - there is no guarantee that submitted sessions or individual papers will be accepted. If you happen to submit your paper to a session that will not be accepted, and your paper is accepted, your presentation will be placed in another suitable session. Likewise, if your paper do not meet the scientific requirements it will be rejected even though you might be part of a submitted session proposal.
Submit your paper abstract of no more than 250 words describing the objectives/topic of your paper. You can also attach one picture, figure, or table (png/jpg). Every submission also needs to attach a short bio of the presenter (in most cases the person or persons submitting the session), in total no more than 100 words.
Deadline of call for papers: January 31, 2025
Call for papers: November 1 - January 31, 2025.
Notification abstracts: February 21, 2025
Registration open: February 24 – June 1, 2025.
Early Bird: February 24 – April 1, 2025
Congress: August 25 – 30, 2025.