


TICCIH 2025 Kiruna will host TICCIH’s 50th birthday celebrations and we will be taking time to reflect on the people, events and achievements that have enriched our first half-century. We are therefore devoting a session to the anniversary in the first day’s programme and look forward to sharing many memories throughout the conference. As you can see, we have also launched a new TICCIH@50 brand!

General Assembly and Elections

As well as looking back at the last five decades of TICCIH, we will also be looking forward. A crucial part of that process will be elections to the Board as well as discussion on the reform of our Statutes and the Nizhny Tagil Charter and we warmly invite you to get involved.

National Reports

One of the most important elements within our conferences in recent years has been the session dedicated to National Reports. This allows delegates to personally deliver short reports on events in their countries over the three years since the previous conference. Experience has shown that it is a potent and inspiring means of sharing information and experience. This year we are moving this session to the beginning of the conference in order to allow delegates more time to discuss issues that arise during the remaining days of the programme.

Come and visit us on our website for more information: